At Peterborough City Basketball Club we heavily prioritise the welfare and safeguarding of our members, especially children.
We maintain strict policies and procedures to ensure continuous protection. Regular reviews ensure that everyone associated with our club undergoes necessary checks, including obtaining Enhanced Certificates from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Under the leadership of Lucy, our dedicated 'Welfare Officer' ensures full compliance with Basketball England's guidelines.
Peterborough City Basketball Club Safeguarding Policy
Commitment to Safety:
Peterborough City Basketball Club is dedicated to creating a secure and supportive environment for all participants, particularly children and vulnerable adults. We are committed to ensuring that basketball is a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
Reporting Concerns:
All members, volunteers, and staff are required to report any concerns regarding the welfare of participants. Addressing concerns, even at a low level, is crucial, and we maintain thorough incident logs to ensure transparency and accountability.
Positions of Trust:
Our coaches and staff members are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct, given their positions of trust. They must act responsibly to safeguard the well-being of all players, adhering to guidelines on appropriate behaviour and maintaining professional boundaries.
Types of Abuse:
We recognise various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and neglect. Awareness of the signs of abuse is vital to protect vulnerable individuals within our club.
Escalation Procedures:
If a concern is not adequately addressed at the initial level, our policy provides clear escalation procedures. Members are encouraged to escalate issues to higher authorities within the club if necessary, ensuring that all concerns are taken seriously and resolved appropriately.
Training and Development:
Peterborough City Basketball Club collaborates with organisations such as the NSPCC and the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) to provide comprehensive safeguarding training. We offer both online and face-to-face training sessions to ensure that everyone involved in the club understands how to protect children effectively.
Community and Club Responsibilities:
Our policy includes best practices for clubs, parents, players, staff, and welfare officers. Clubs are encouraged to regularly review and update their safeguarding procedures to stay aligned with the latest standards and recommendations.
Further Information:
For detailed information on our safeguarding policies, training opportunities, and reporting procedures, please contact our safeguarding officer directly.